CSTP Thermo Fluid

Concentrated Solar Thermo Fluid Plant (Temp up to 3500 C)

In Concentrated Solar Thermo Fluid Plant, we provide parabolic reflectors with tracking arrangements to extract maximum heat from solar radiation & transfer it to the thermic fluid through the receiver tube. The heat available with thermic fluid is converted to produce steam, hot water and other various heating applications (like air etc..) where the temperature requirement is up to 350oC.

CSTP Aqua Pressurized

Concentrated Solar Thermo Aqua Pressurized Plant (Temp up to 1800C)

In Concentrated Solar Thermo Aqua Pressurized Plant, we provide parabolic reflectors with tracking arrangements to extract maximum heat from solar radiation & transfer it to pressurized hot water through the receiver tube. The heat available with hot water is use for various heating applications where the temperature requirement is up to 180oC

CSTP Aqua (Non-Pressurized)

Concentrated Solar Thermal Aqua (Non-Pressurized) Plant

In Concentrated Solar Thermo Aqua Non-Pressurized Plant, we provide parabolic reflectors with tracking arrangements to extract maximum heat from solar radiation & transfer it to Non-Pressurised hot water through the receiver tube. The heat available with hot water is use for various heating applications where the temperature requirement is up to 80oC.


Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plant

In Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Plant (CSTPP), we provide parabolic reflectors with tracking arrangements to extract maximum heat from solar radiation & transfer it to the thermic fluid through the receiver tube. The heat of thermic fluid is used to produce steam. The steam generated operates the turbine and thus generate power, also backpressure steam available is utilize for various other thermal applications.